1.Add a Resident:
a.Click on the text box just below the Resident ID heading.
b.Type in the Resident ID.
c.Press the Tab key and type in the First Name of the Resident.
d.Press the Tab key and type in the Last Name of the Resident.
e.If you would like to archive this Resident, check the box next to the Archive Resident heading or click on the heading itself.
f.Save the new Resident by clicking on the Save button.
2.Select Records:
a.To select one record, click anywhere on the Resident's row in the table.
b.To select multiple records that are contiguous within the current table display, click on the first record, then hold down the Shift key, and select the last record in the range.
c.To select multiple records that are not contiguous within the current table display, click on the first record, then hold down the Ctrl key while selecting the other records that you want selected.
3.Delete Residents:
a.Select the Resident record(s) you wish to delete.
b.Click the Delete button.
4.Edit a Resident:
a.Select the Resident record you wish to edit by clicking anywhere on the Resident's row in the table.
b.To change the data, click on the text box corresponding to the field that needs to be changed, then change the text as appropriate.
c.If you would like to archive this Resident, check the box next to the Archive Resident heading or click on the heading itself.
d.Save your changes by clicking on the Save button.
5.Print a Report: See the Management Reports help page for instructions on how to print a report.
a.Choose the field that you would like to search on by clicking on the preferred field name just above the long text box next to the Search: heading.
b.Next, click on that long text box and begin typing your search. Intelicode begins selecting records as you type.
7.Send to Another Office:
a.Select the Resident record(s) that you want to be sent (copied) to the Resident table in another office(s).
b.Click the Send to Another Office button. The Pick Office(s) pop-up window will appear.
c.Select the office(s) that you would like to send this record(s) to.
d.Click OK to send the record(s). The Residents remain in this office and are now copied to the Resident table in the other office(s) selected.
e.If there is a Resident ID from the selected office(s) that is the same as a Resident ID from the data that you are sending, you will be asked if you want to overwrite:
i.The All option will tell Intelicode® to overwrite any and all Resident records (from this point forward in this process) in the selected office(s) that have a Resident ID that matches a Resident ID in the data that you are sending.
ii.The None option will tell Intelicode® to not overwrite any Resident records for this particular copy from this point forward in this process.
iii.The Yes option will tell Intelicode® to overwrite this one particular Resident record and only this record.
iv.The No option will tell Intelicode® to not overwrite this one particular Resident record and only this record.
v.The Cancel option will stop the entire Send process.
8.Copy From Another Office:
a.Click the Copy From Another Office button.
b.Select the office(s) from which you wish to copy all of its Resident records.
c.Click OK. The Resident records from the office(s) you selected are now a part of your current office's Resident table.
d.If there is a Resident ID from the selected office(s) that is the same as a Resident ID from your current Resident table, you will be asked if you want to overwrite:
i.The All option will tell Intelicode to overwrite any and all Resident records (from this point forward in this process) that have a Resident ID that matches a Resident ID in the data you are copying.
ii.The None option will tell Intelicode® to not overwrite any Resident records for this particular copy.
iii.The Yes option will tell Intelicode® to overwrite this one particular Resident record and only this record.
iv.The No option will tell Intelicode® to not overwrite this one particular Resident record and only this record.
v.The Cancel option will stop the entire Copy process. The Copy From Another Office window will disappear.
9.Import From File:
a.You can import Residents from a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet (.xsl, .xslx), or from a Comma Separated File.
b.Click on the Import From File button. The Open window will pop up.
c.Browse to the location of the file you wish to import.
d.Using the drop down box in the lower-right portion of the Open window, choose the file type of the file you wish to import.
e.Next, select the file by clicking on it.
f.Click the Open button to import the file.
g.You will be asked the question, "Does this file have headers?" If the top row in your spreadsheet or CSV file is made up of column headings, click Yes. Otherwise, click No
h.If you clicked Yes, you will next have the opportunity to match up the fields in your file to the static Resident table fields. Read the text in the light blue box at the bottom of the Import Fields window for further instructions. Click OK when you are confident that the fields are matched up properly.
i.If you clicked No, you will need to match the column name to the column in your data. You can do this by right-clicking on a field and matching it up to the number of the order in which it appears in your data. The order begins with "0".
j.Your imported data will appear in the table.
k.If you have questions about importing Residents, see Importing Residents help page.
10. Export to File:
a.If you'd like to export your Resident table to a Comma Separated Values (.csv) file, click the Export To File button.
b.Browse to the location in which you would like to save your exported CSV file.
c.Type in a file name for this file in the text box to the right of the File Name heading toward the bottom of the window.
d.Click Save to save the CSV file.
11. When you are finished with the Resident screen, click on a different maintenance table from the menu on the left side of the screen or click Close to close the Management screen.
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