Management Reports

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Management Reports

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The Management Reports are printouts of the management data that is maintained under various tables under the Management menu.  Follow the steps below for any type of Management Report

1.Click on the Management menu at the top of the screen.

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2.Select the type of data you would like to run a report on by clicking on it.  The Management screen opens showing the data for the report you selected on the right side of the screen.

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3.To change the type of report, click on the title on the menu on the left side of the Management screen.

4.To sort the data in the order you desire for your report, click on the column heading at the top of the top of the table in the lower-left portion of the screen.

5.To print a report, click on the Print Report button in the first column of buttons in the upper-right portion of the screen.  The Print Options window will pop up.

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6.Select the option by which you would like to run your report by clicking on the circle next to the preferred option or by clicking on the text itself.

7.Click the Print button.  Your report will run in the method in which you chose.

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