Respiratory Exam

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Respiratory  Examination



System/Body Area


                                                             Elements of Examination




    Measurement of any three of the following seven vital signs: 1) sitting or standing blood pressure, 2) supine blood pressure, 3) pulse rate and regularity, 4) respiration,

5) temperature, 6) height, 7) weight  (May be measured and recorded by ancillary staff)


    General appearance of patient (eg, development, nutrition, body habitus, deformities, attention to grooming)


Head and Face








Ears, Nose, Mouth and Throat


    Inspection of nasal mucosa, septum and turbinates


    Inspection of teeth and gums


    Examination of oropharynx (eg, oral mucosa, hard and soft palates, tongue, tonsils and posterior pharynx)




    Examination of neck (eg, masses, overall appearance, symmetry, tracheal position, crepitus)


    Examination of thyroid (eg, enlargement, tenderness, mass)


    Examination of jugular veins (eg, distension; a, v or cannon a waves)




    Inspection of chest with notation of symmetry and expansion


    Assessment of respiratory effort (eg, intercostal retractions, use of accessory muscles, diaphragmatic movement)


    Percussion of chest (eg, dullness, flatness, hyperresonance)


    Palpation of chest (eg, tactile fremitus)


    Auscultation of lungs (eg, breath sounds, adventitious sounds, rubs)




    Auscultation of heart including sounds, abnormal sounds and murmurs


    Examination of peripheral vascular system by observation (eg, swelling, varicosities) and palpation (eg, pulses, temperature, edema, tenderness)


Chest (Breasts)







    Examination of abdomen with notation of presence of masses or tenderness


    Examination of liver and spleen








    Palpation of lymph nodes in neck, axillae, groin and/or other location




    Assessment of muscle strength and tone (eg, flaccid, cog wheel, spastic) with notation of any atrophy and abnormal movements


    Examination of gait and station




    Inspection and palpation of digits and nails (eg, clubbing, cyanosis, inflammation, petechiae, ischemia, infections, nodes)




    Inspection and/or palpation of skin and subcutaneous tissue (eg, rashes, lesions, ulcers)





Brief assessment of mental status including


·      Orientation to time, place and person


·      Mood and affect (eg, depression, anxiety, agitation)


        Content and Documentation Requirements



Level of Exam


Perform and Document:


Problem Focused


One to five elements identified by a bullet.


Expanded Problem Focused


At least six  elements identified by a bullet.




At least twelve elements identified by a bullet.




Perform all elements identified by a bullet; document every element in each shaded box and at least one element in each unshaded box.